Something About a Dead Bird. Part 2

2023, Wood, Firing painting , Contemporary

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"In the visual basis of the "Something about a dead bird" series, I create images from photographs of dead birds that I have been photographing on the streets of different cities and countries for the past last years. In this way, I form reflections on death, how it has changed before our eyes, dressed in the armor of a socio-political context, it has turned into cold statistics and counts of the dead and wounded.

I think about how a collection of pain builds up over a lifetime, and how humanity adapts to any degree of pain. Perhaps soon there will be nothing left that can touch our souls. Because wartime as matter always tries to return man to the animal world, putting the goal of "survival" in the first place. In the iconographic tradition, the bird is a symbol of the holy spirit. By depicting a dead bird, I indicate the death of the spiritual, interweaving the two different concepts of spirit and spirituality with the image of death, thus sacralizing death.

In anticipation of the changes of the present, it is impossible to predict the fate of mankind. It is only noticeable how the spiritual in a person dies or is preserved in a "cocoon" until it becomes important again and can be reborn."

Polina Shcherbyna

Sizes of all diptych 35х30 cm. Full price - 1279,559 dollars.

Digital original details
  • Format
    Digital Original Standard
  • Resolution
    400 MPX
  • Color depth

    48 bit Rainbow icon 281 Trillion Colors

  • Original file size

    1536 MB DNG File
  • Verified Authenticity

    Every artwork is expert-authenticated as an original tied to the artist, preserving its integrity and value. Each Digital Original exists as a unique exemplar, ensuring its singularity.

  • Exclusive Rights to Own Digital

    Each purchase grants exclusive, verified digital ownership on the blockchain, offering a unique, transferable asset that cannot be duplicated.

  • Ultra-HD Image Quality

    Experience the artwork in ultra-high-definition resolution, capturing every texture and brushstroke, providing a viewing experience close to the original piece.

  • Century-Long Preservation on Blockchain

    All artwork data, including metadata, is securely stored on the blockchain, guaranteeing preservation, accessibility, and protection against tampering for future generations.

  • artwork artwork