Battallia of Modernity. Part 2

2022, Painting, Unprimed canvas, Acrylic , Contemporary

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"The unfolding events resemble a terrible surrealistic dream that is impossible to comprehend. The state of waiting gives hope to wake up soon from this horror and understand that all this did not exist. But no, the war entered everyone's life. It follows us everywhere, it is present in everything that surrounds us. The war is next to us when we look at the window, it is still with us when we have a dinner, when we go to bed.

The shape of the curtain is an attribute of home comfort in a peaceful life. This is what guards the intimacy of our lives, preserving behind a fabric curtain what is domestic and personal.

I think about it as a separation between man and war, as a division between our personal lives and the terrible reality of war that changes everything around. I peer into the curtain and think about the time. Time in process of waiting started to flow differently, it burns in a whirlwind of terrible news. In anticipation of victory, hours, days, months, turn into a homogeneous mass, it seems that it is one very long day and only the number of terrible crimes of the occupier reminds how long this day lasts.

"The Battallia of Modernity" is a fixation of a battle that is difficult to imagine literally, it is a belief in the light which will definitely defeat the darkness."

Polina Shcherbyna

Digital original details
  • Format
    Digital Original Standard
  • Resolution
    400 MPX
  • Color depth

    48 bit Rainbow icon 281 Trillion Colors

  • Original file size

    1773 MB DNG File
artwork artwork