The Cossack in the Steppe

1890s, Painting, Oil, Canvas , Realism

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This painting belongs to the collection of the Nykanor Onatskyi Regional Art Museum in Sumy. 

The painting "The Cossack in the Steppe" closely resonates with Ukrainian folk historical songs. The figure of the cossack is both vivid and expressive. The landscape is skillfully executed, depicting a vast steppe covered in grasses and flowers, with burial mounds rising among them, a dark sky, and clouds tinged with the last rays of the sun. The tense, hushed nature harmonizes with the figure of the cossack, who gazes intently into the valley darkened by twilight. There are no battles or bloody clashes in this work, but the dark sky with brilliant sunlight reflections, the crimson poppies in bloom, and the expectant silence evoke the heroic past of the homeland.

*This information is taken from the website of the museum.  

Digital original details
  • Format
    Digital Original Standard
  • Resolution
    400 MPX
  • Color depth

    48 bit Rainbow icon 281 Trillion Colors

  • Original file size

    1538 MB DNG File
Physical original details
artwork artwork