The Portrait of the Ukrainian Girl

1896, Painting, Oil, Canvas , Realism

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The Portrait of a Ukrainian Girl by Mykola Pymonenko belongs to the collection of the Nykanor Onatskyi Regional Art Museum in Sumy.

The Portrait of a Ukrainian Girl by Mykola Pymonenko

The painting features a young smiling peasant woman and has become a true symbol of the people's beauty and strength. Before the viewer stands a stately, dark-browed, brown-eyed young woman whose natural nobility embodies the folk ideal of beauty. Her inner composure, sharp intellect, and reserved seriousness, emphasized by the calmness of her posture and the expression on her face with large dark eyes, make the image of this young Ukrainian woman especially captivating. 

Her traditional folk attire, characteristic of Left-Bank Ukraine, includes an embroidered shirt, a vest, necklaces of various colors, dukachi (traditional Ukrainian coin-shaped pendants), and a scarf arranged as a headdress, giving the image a special significance. Her long black braid accentuates her nobility and beauty.

The Portrait of a Ukrainian Girl’s Art Style: Capturing Ukrainian Beauty

The artwork is a striking example of the Realism style. The artist's primary technique involved the use of oil on canvas. The sizes of the work are 58.5cm x 69.5cm. The Portrait of a Ukrainian Girl’s history traces back to 1896. 

The artist’s effective compositional technique places the model close to the foreground, successfully highlighting the central idea of the piece and creating an impression of the model’s natural presence within a subtly sketched environment. This is how the artist frequently portrays women in his many works.

Unique Features. Emotions and Mood of The Portrait of a Ukrainian Girl

The work evokes a warm and reflective mood, with the subject's soft expression conveying a sense of calm confidence and quiet introspection. Her subtle smile and direct gaze create an intimate connection with the viewer, suggesting a blend of pride and tranquility. The Portrait of a Ukrainian Girl’s meaning is to show the beauty of a Ukrainian woman and preserve the traditions and identity of the time. 

Explore more works by Mykola Pymonenko

Mykola Pymonenko was renowned for capturing everyday life, customs, and traditions primarily through his oil paintings in the realist style. One of his most acclaimed paintings, “Maundy Thursday” (1904), depicts the tradition of bringing home the blessed fire after a church service. His other works include “The Girl with the Rake” (1908), “Jealousy” (1901), “The Summer Evening” (1900s), and many more. Explore these and more works, participate in auctions, and purchase the artist's pieces on the UFDA website.

Digital original details
  • Format
    Digital Original Standard
  • Resolution
    400 MPX
  • Color depth

    48 bit Rainbow icon 281 Trillion Colors

  • Original file size

    1459 MB DNG File
Physical original details
artwork artwork