The Bones That Will Become Garden

2023, Painting, Oil, Levkas, Canvas , Contemporary

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The Bones That Will Become Garden is a monochrome image with the outlines of the human skull visually merging with the garden. Every detail of the piece is meticulously crafted and the artist’s attention to each detail of the garden makes it hard to catch sight of the skull at the first glimpse. Melnyk does not employ a different painting technique to emphasize the skull—instead, she places it at the presumed compositional centre. The similar and consistent level of detailing of the leaves and the bones creates an almost animate quality of the image, making the viewer's sight shift, catching every part of the painting.

While Melnyk often focuses on the theme of forcibly inflicted pain in her practice, this piece carries a rather metaphorically hopeful message within the cycle of violence. The motif of a skull serves as a memento mori trope, but unlike the classic cases, here, it carries a slightly different reminder: life doesn’t last forever, and neither does death. Eventually, the rot becomes a literal ground for a new life. 


Valeria Schiller

Art historian, writer, and curator of contemporary art

Digital original details
  • Format
    Digital Original Standard
  • Resolution
    400 MPX
  • Color depth

    48 bit Rainbow icon 281 Trillion Colors

  • Original file size

    1437 MB DNG File
artwork artwork