The "Body Returning Attempts" Series. Untitled

2024, Painting, Watercolor, Paper , Contemporary

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In the series Body returning attempts the artist continues to reflect on the transition of a person back to life through the body of a tree. People who have been violently killed on battlefields or at home due to the Russian military invasion of Ukraine are trying to connect with trees to restore their subjectivity. In Yeriemieieva's drawings, people-trees are given a timorous corporeality.

This series demonstrates the artist's exceptional attitude to the human body and corporal wounds. The feeling of collective pain is graphically reflected in anthropomorphic figures that stand between death and l


Alya Segal

Art historian, independent curator, researcher

Digital original details
  • Format
    Digital Original Standard
  • Resolution
    400 MPX
  • Color depth

    48 bit Rainbow icon 281 Trillion Colors

  • Original file size

    1663 MB DNG File
artwork artwork