dogs series

2020, Painting, Acryl, Canvas , Contemporary

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The piece presented here is a part of the larger Dog series that Alina Sokolova started to develop during the Covid-19 epidemic. Living at that time in Vienna and facing the struggle of isolation from her loved ones who stayed in Uzhhorod, Ukraine, the artist reflects on the emotional component of such topics as ‘care’ and ‘support’. At that point, she began to repeat the motive of ‘carrying’ in her paintings. In the bright, absurd, and almost surrealistic images, women carry men, dogs hold humans, and crowds support each other from the fall. However, the motive is ambivalent: the carried ones become a burden, and the whole composition reveals a codependent structure of the gesture of support.


Valeria Schiller

Art historian, writer, and curator of contemporary art

Digital original details
  • Format
    Digital Original Standard
  • Resolution
    400 MPX
  • Color depth

    48 bit Rainbow icon 281 Trillion Colors

  • Original file size

    1691 MB DNG File
artwork artwork