
1882, Painting, Oil, Canvas , Realism

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This painting belongs to the collection of the Nykanor Onatskyi Regional Art Museum in Sumy.

Maria Bashkirtseva painted the psychologically intense work "Despair." This piece was created during her second visit to her homeland, in her native Havrontsi, in 1881, and it is unmistakably autobiographical. While it cannot be confirmed with certainty that the figure in the painting is indeed the artist herself (the woman is depicted in twilight with her face covered by her hand). The autobiographical aspect here lies more in the expression of the heroine’s emotional state, which resonates with the artist’s mood at a particular moment.

The artistic means in this painting are minimal but loaded with meaning and symbolism. The dominant black color, symbolizing grief and even death, contrasts with the dim wall, the woman’s dark attire, and the oppressive black curtain, which seems to encroach upon her figure as if it might engulf her entirely along with the twilight.

The use of contre-jour - portraying the woman against the light of a window - creates a sense of isolation from her surroundings, intensifying the feeling of helplessness and inevitability. Though the painting has a somewhat sketch-like quality—an intentional artistic choice—nothing distracts from its central message. It deeply moves viewers with its portrayal of human emotion and demonstrates the immense talent of the artist.

*This information is taken from the website of the museum.  

Digital original details
  • Format
    Digital Original Standard
  • Resolution
    400 MPX
  • Color depth

    48 bit Rainbow icon 281 Trillion Colors

  • Original file size

    1459 MB DNG File
Physical original details
artwork artwork