Park Avenue

2024, Painting, Acryl, Paper , Contemporary

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In her practice, Karina Synytsia often uses generalized architectural objects. In this way, she creates an imaginary world that is nevertheless familiar to every Ukrainian. In Park Avenue, Synytsia depicts a collective image of a green area. The balustrade divides the composition of the painting, making it look like a theater stage, while hinting at the boundary we draw between nature and the space appropriated by people. 

The abstract form of the balustrade allows us to imagine this scene in any abandoned Ukrainian park. In these places, time blurs the line between the natural and the artificial.


Alya Segal

Art historian, independent curator, researcher

Digital original details
  • Format
    Digital Original Standard
  • Resolution
    400 MPX
  • Color depth

    48 bit Rainbow icon 281 Trillion Colors

  • Original file size

    71 MB DNG File
artwork artwork