Sky. "Closed Will Throw Off Its Curtain" Series

2024, Painting, Acryl, Paper , Contemporary

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In this series, Karina Synytsia creates an image of curtains, pieces of fabric that she borrows from existing interiors. The symbol of a curtain appears here as a universal image of femininity. The pieces of fabric cover the battlefields or affected areas, and the rooms left behind by the inhabitants under occupation, which at the moment are impossible for most people to see in person. 

The works emphasize the general anxiety of the present, but also create a melancholic, calming tone. This series reveals the role of the artist as a caregiver, which is especially important in times of war.


Alya Segal

Art historian, independent curator, researcher

Digital original details
  • Format
    Digital Original Standard
  • Resolution
    400 MPX
  • Color depth

    48 bit Rainbow icon 281 Trillion Colors

  • Original file size

    1709 MB DNG File
artwork artwork